GIS Application Design for an Emergency Management Information System

A presentation designed for the City of Oakland (December, 1995)

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Table of Contents

1. What is an Emergency Management Information System (EMIS)?

2. Components of an EMIS...

3. Introducing: an above-ground toxic spill!

4. Gather information about the incident source--tank truck data...

5. Gather information about local hazardous materials facilities...

6. Gather information about the local weather...

7. Model potential dispersion of a toxic cloud of gas...

8. What to look for in a contaminated area?

9. Locate sensitive populations...

10. Activate bulk dialing for evacuation instructions...

11. Gather information about special events in the area...

12. View architectural diagrams and population densities...

13. Establish evacuation routes...

14. Log incoming information from field personnel...

Author: Jonathan W. Lowe


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