Bottom Line in the Land of Oz -- Pricing Spatial Web Site Architectures This article originally appeared in Geospatial Solutions Magazine's Net Results column of May 1, 2003. Other Net Results articles about the role of emerging technologies in the exchange of spatial information are also online.

1. Introduction and Glossary   2. First ruby slippered steps   3. Scarecrow, tinman, lion   4. And Toto, too

Five years ago, interactive spatial Web sites were rare. A few daring municipalities launched their assessors’ parcel map sites with great fanfare while the majority wistfully watched and waited. A few hours surfing today’s Web, however, suggests the tide has turned -- the current crop of spatial Web sites is both plentiful and sophisticated. Over time, the question has shifted from "Should we do it?" to "How do we do it and at what price?" This column attempts to answer that second question by explaining the basic requirements for putting interactive spatial Web pages online, and comparing the costs and services of several Web hosting companies that cater to spatial customers. The (wide) range of annual costs, depending on the architecture you choose, is between $300 and $30,000. We’re not in Kansas anymore -- choose wisely!

ASP Application service provider
CPU Central processing unit
DNS Domain name server
DSL Digital subscriber line
IIS Internet information server
IP Internet protocol
ISP Internet service provider
OS Operating system

1. Introduction and Glossary   2. First ruby slippered steps   3. Scarecrow, tinman, lion   4. And Toto, too