Data Set Description:
This layer contains the location of BART stations within Oakland City limits. Since stations have multiple exits, the points approximate the centroid of each station.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- HOTLINK: Reference to architectural plan, section, and elevation drawings of BART station. Used as a hotlink connection in ArcView.
- NAME: Name of BART station.
- U_ID: Unique identification number.
Data Source History:
The station locations were inferred from locations visible on the digital ortho photos and as marked on a AAA paper street map. The street pattern was used as a reference point between the AAA map and the digitized bart_stn coverage.
Quality Check:
The coordinate accuracy of the station points is not ground-controlled and should be used for general reference purposes only. Users at OPB discovered that West Oakland BART station was missing from the dataset in late 1996. Kyle Draganov, Earthwise Consulting, added the West Oakland station to the layer in early 1997.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions
Update Frequency:
No scheduled updates.
Update process:
Update process is not yet defined.