Data Set Description:
This layer contains permitted routes for cargo transport, along with the locations of the terminal gates. For reference to other features of the port, view this data-set with the Harbors layer, the Major Container Freight Stations layer, and/or the Gantry Crane layer (Prt_Crns).
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- U_ID--provides the user with a unique number for each feature in the layer
- Prefix, Name, Type, and Suffix are the same as for Streets layer
- Type--this field differentiates between the terminal gates and the gantry cranes, which are both represented as points.
- Gate_No.--lists the gate ID number
- Ship_Co.--lists all the shipping companies that use the corresponding terminal gate.
Data Source History:
Jake Schweitzer, In Situ Mapping, contacted Dave Adams, Port of Oakland, and was given paper maps and data describing the locations of harbors and marinas. Jake digitized this data in ArcEdit using the digital orthophoto as a reference (the original maps were only reference quality, and were too inaccurate to support standard scan-and-digitize routines).
Quality Check:
No quality control procedures performed to date.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions defined for this data set
Update Frequency:
No updates scheduled.
Update process:
Update process is not yet defined