Data Set Description:
This Layer contains Sewer and Storm Drainage Basins and Sub-basins; each basin consists of sewer lines which are gravity fed, this layer contains the borders for the gravity fed systems which the city is running.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- Polygon/region:
- BASIN = The Basin Number for identifying basins
- SUB-BASIN = The Sub-basin Number for identifying sub-basinsArcs:
- REGIONCLASS = (1 = the border arcs for regions, 2 = the border arcs for sub-basins)
- U_ID = Unique identification number.
Data Source History:
Drainage Basins and Sub-Basins were digitized using a heads up and scanning of paper "basin" maps from the Office of Public Works, and are only as accurate as the paper maps (1:1500).The maps were provided by the engineering department.
Quality Check:
Kyle Draganov, of Earthwise Consulting, check layer for Quality by matching intersecting polygons (basins) to the paper map, and in areas of inconsistency verified line work with SSMS books located at OPW. Accuracy of layer to the SSMS books was not specified in the contract.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions.
Update Frequency:
No scheduled updates by OCIS.
Update process:
Update process is not yet defined