Data Set Description:
Fire assesment districts divide the Oakland Hills into 5 districts for fire-suppression inspection. This layer was snapped to the Street centerlines and City-limit layers for maximum accuracy, and is as accurate as these two layers.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- U_ID: Provides the user with a unique indentifying number for each polygon in the layer.
- DISTRICT# : Fire Assessment Districts in Oakland Hills numbered by OFD.
Data Source History:
Jeff Thompson supplied OCIS with a "Fire Suppression Assessment District" blueprint style map. Kyle Draganov, Earthwise consulting, translated the boundaries as necessary from street-centerlines and city-limits layers. Accuracy for this layer is as accurate as those used for translation. Kyle's translation involved digitizing from a paper blueprint of 1:21,341 scale. The digitization process included copying selected parts of existing layers (city_lmts and streets) as well as heads-up manual digitizing across areas where the district lines did not follow roadways.
Quality Check:
No quality checks by non-GIS staff have yet been performed on this layer.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions.
Update Frequency:
When district lines are changed--not planned.
Update process:
Update process is not yet defined