Data Set Description:
This layer consists of Port of Oakland shipping terminals and related facilities, such as the port rail yards and military installations. A coverage called CntainRt is a separate, related coverage which contains the Permitted Container Routes for the harbors, as well as the gate entrances to the terminals.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- U_ID--Provides users with a unique identifier number for each polygon
- Type--Describes what the facility is primarily used for, e.g., shipping terminal, or port rail facilities
- Name--Name of the facility
- Address--Address of the facility
Data Source History:
Jake Schweitzer, In Situ Mapping, contacted Dave Adams, Port of Oakland, and was given paper maps and data describing the locations of harbors. Jake digitized this data in ArcEdit using the digital orthophoto as a reference (the original maps were only reference quality, and were too inaccurate to support standard scan-and-digitize routines).
Quality Check:
No quality check performed to date.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions.
Update Frequency:
No updates yet scheduled
Update process:
Update process is not yet defined