Data Set Description:
This layer contains the locations of Hazardous Materials Facilities with business locations in the City of Oakland. Data for these facilities is captured by the inspectors of the Office of Emergency Services on an ongoing basis. Because of this active data maintenance program, this layer contains very detailed and current information about hazardous materials facilities.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- U_ID--Provides user with a unique indentifier number for each point
- SITE__NO--OES identifier number
- FACILITY--Name of facility
- NO_--Address number of facility
- STREET--Street name where facility lies
- ZIP--Zipcode of address
- FILE_STATU--States whether or not the file exists on hardcopy file
- LATEST_DAT--Most recent changes to file
- PRIMARY_CO--Primary contact person
- PHONE--Primary contact person's phone number
- SECONDARY_--Secondary contact person
- PHONEA--Secondary contact person's phone number
- TYPE_OF_FA--Type of hazmat facility (e.g., gas station, chemical production plant, etc.)
- PRIORITY--OES-assigned status of facility, where P1 is high priority, P2 is medium, and P3 is low
- HMBP_RECIE--Hazardous materials business plan (city form on file)
- H--OES-assigned health hazard level
- F--OES-assigned flamibility level
- R--OES-assigned reactivity level
- SP_--OES-assigned "special" level
- INSPECTOR--Name of OES inspector of facility
- INSPECTION--Inspection start date
- INSPECTORA--Name of OES follow-up inspector
- INSPECTIONA--Follow-up inspection start date
- NO__OF_MAT--Number of hazardous materials at site
- HAS_FACILI--OES internal information
- HAS_MAP___--OES internal information
- HAS_HAZMAT--OES internal information
- HAS_EMERG_--OES internal information
- ADDRESS--Address of facility as entered into Arcview by user for geocoding
- AV_ADD--Address found by Arcview geocoding
- AV_STATUS--Arcview geocoding status of address matching (i.e., if the address of the facility was found on streets layer, M, for "matched" is assigned, and if not, U, for "unmatched" is assigned)
- AV_SCORE--Arcview-assigned score for matched addresses. 100% is a perfect match. Lower percentages indicate misspellings or missing address components like type or prefix.
- AV_SIDE--Arcview-assigned side of street of address (Right and Left)
Data Source History:
Vibhor Jain, OES, captures data collected in the field by OES hazmat inspectors (LeRoy Griffin, Steve Craford, etc.) in a Microsoft Excel program. He then converts the Excel file to a DBF format, imports the DBF into ArcView 2.1 and geocodes each facility by address to the GIS streets layer.
Quality Check:
The match-rate for geocoding hazmat facilities has been approximately 80% (unexpectedly low) due to missing streets in the airport area and Port of Oakland area. This omission has recently been corrected (these areas lacked orthophoto coverage), and future updates to the hazmat layer will use this corrected streets version to establish the locations of hazmat facilities.
Security restrictions:
Clearance from Henry Renteria or Renee Domingo is required to access this layer outside Oakland. Call (510)238-3938.
Update Frequency:
Monthly or as per Vibhor Jain's schedule of updates.
Update process:
As Vibhor Jain receives new hazmat data from the OES inspectors, he updates his Excel spreadsheet. Over intervals still to be determined, Vibhor posts these changes to a contact in OCIS for conversion into a GIS layer via the geocoding process.