Data Set Description:
This layer contains the locations of all fire hydrants in the City, including mainsize, EBMUD ID number, and street address of each hydrant.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- U_ID: Provides the user with a unique indentfying number for each polygon in the layer.
- HYDRANT: East Bay Municipal Utility District's ID number for the hydrant.
- U_ID: Provides the user with a unique indentfying number for each polygon in the layer.
- ADDRESS: The street address of the hydrant (unparsed address).
- MAINSIZE: The diameter of the main (water line pipe) in inches.
- AV_STATUS: Whether the point was successfully geocoded or not. (M=matched, U=unmatched)
Data Source History:
The dataset was delivered to OCIS by Capt. Mike Kelly (OFD) as a digital dBase file of addresses, mainsizes, and EBMUD ID numbers. Jonathan Lowe (Local Knowledge Consulting) geocoded the addresses using ArcView's geocoding functionality.
Quality Check:
Not all hydrants were successfully geocoded. The unmatched hydrants were not quality checked and so do not appear on the map. This was avoided because the existing list of hydrants was intended to be a data conversion test rather than the definitive source. When a standard for data conversion and update has been established between EBMUD, OFD, and OCIS, the appropriate quality control procedures will be implemented to insure a complete match between the original dataset and the GIS point layer.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions.
Update Frequency:
No updates scheduled.
Update process:
Update process is not yet defined