Data Set Description:
Patrol Districts are groupings of patrol beats. These groupings help dispatchers make decisions and also organize the officers below their senior commanders.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- U_ID: Provides the user with a unique indentfying number for each polygon in the layer.
- POL_DIST: A district number assigned by the Oakland Police Department.
Data Source History:
Joanne Ward, OCIS, created a field in the police beats layer that indicated which district each beat was in. Using this field, Julia Howlett (JRH) unified veats in the same districts using ArcInfo's "region" tools.
Quality Check:
John Burgess of OPD made linework and attribute changes to update the beats from 57 to 34. When the streets layer's accuracy improved, Julia Howlett transformed the updated poldist shapefile into a coverage and made sure it matched the accuracy of the Streets coverage.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions.
Update Frequency:
No updates scheduled.
Update process:
Thomas Cave (OPD) updates linework and attributes using Arcview 3.0. The updated shapefiles are then transformed into coverages by OCIS GIS staff and redistributed.