Data Set Description:
No data set description available.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- ROUTEID: Routing identifier for stops file.
- STREET: Streets being resurfaced.
- FROMSST:Begining street from where street is being resurfaced
- TOSST: End of street to where street is being resurfaced
- METHOD: Method by which the street was resurfaced
- COMPDATE: Date which the street resurfacing was completed.
- LENGTHSST: length of street is being resurfaced
- WIDTHSST: Width of street is being resurfaced
- CLASS: unknown
- FROMX: Routing stopfile data
- TOX: Routing stopfile data
- AV_ADD: ArcView geocoding data
- AV_STATUS: ArcView geocoding data
- AV_SCORE: ArcView geocoding data
- AV_SIDE: ArcView geocoding data
- STREETS-ID: Street node id's used for network stops file
- ORDER: Stops file routing order
- U_ID: Unique identifier
Data Source History:
Fuad Sweiss, OPW, supplied Kyle Draganov, Earthwise Consulting, with a .dbf file containing starting and ending points for all streets in Oakland that had been resurfaced within the past five years. Kyle then geocoded the start- and end-points into paired from- and to- nodes suitable for automated routing. He routed all pairs, finding the shortest cost path between each pair and built the resulting network coverage as an arc coverage. Some addresses in the original .dbf did not successfully geocode due to non-compliance with Oakland address standards. These non-matches were not manually corrected. Approximately 20% of the resurfaced streets in the original .dbf file are therefore not represented in the final GIS layer.
Quality Check:
Kyle Draganov performed a visual quality check of successfully geocoded and routed arcs and noted any errors. These errors will be repaired at the request of OPW. Non-geocoded addresses will be manually corrected or edited in the original .dbf file at the request of OPW.
Security restrictions:
no restrictions
Update Frequency:
annually or as often as streets are resurfaced.
Update process:
No update process is yet defined.