Data Set Description:
This layer contains the locations of emergency shelters. Often, shelter locations are existing community buildings or areas such as churches, schools, or parks.
Non-standard Attributes in table:
- U_ID = Unique ID for each site.
- CONTACT_NA = Names of any persons to contact in event of emergency
- CONTACT_PH = Phone numbers of contacts at each location
- TYPE_SITE = Three types are possible; Primary = approved and designated by the American Red Cross as a primary shelter site (according to safety standards and facility amenities/size), Secondary = approved and designated by the American Red Cross as an alternative site, Back-up = sites designated by OES as possible alternative sites.
- VOLUN_SITE = Designated by OES as possible volunteer convergence or reception sites.
- DISAS_SITE = Designated by OES as possible disaster application sites.
- FACIL_SIZE = Square footage of site to determine how many people can be accomodated.
- #PARKING = Number of parking spaces available at site.
- KITCHEN_CAPAC = Capacity of kitchen at site, determining how many people can be served.
- #CHAIRS = Number of available chairs at sites.
- #BANQ_TABLES = Number of banquet sized tables at site.
- #CARD_TABLES = Number of card tables at site
Data Source History:
The list of shelter sites with addresses and various attributes was collected from the American Red Cross, the City of Oakland's Office of Emergency Services and the City of Oakland Parks and Recreation by Linda Wong (OES). The American Red Cross approved the primary and secondary sites in December 1996 after reviewing each site using criteria such as earthquake prepared structures, facility size and amentities.
Quality Check:
This layer was created by geocoding site addresses against the Streets layer to produce points. The geocoding process locates the street for each entry and then interpolates the building number from an address range between street intersections. Because of this process, points showing site locations are approximate.
Security restrictions:
No security restrictions on this layer
Update Frequency:
Updates occur on a yearly basis or as decided by OES staff.
Update process:
Addresses of new shelter sites will be geocoded and appended to the existing cover age by an OCIS GIS resource.