What is an Emergency Management Information System (EMIS)?
Gather Information about the incident location....
Emergency Responders are experts at gathering information, synthesizing it, and then making a decision. A responder who has access to the most detailed and complete information will make the most informed decision.
The Emergency Management Information System (EMIS) is a computer database system designed to support responders during emergencies by giving them detailed, real-time information, allowing them to graphically integrate it and then transmit their decisions through the chain of incident command. During any emergency, a responder using the EMIS could :
The EMIS contains detailed aerial photography of the whole city to a scale of 1:40. Manhole covers, storm drain locations and other fine-grained features are visible in these photos. They are in orthophoto format, meaning distortion has been removed; even when overlain with a high-accuracy engineering drawing, the orthophoto and drawing will match perfectly.
The EMIS contains street centerlines with addresses and street types, allowing responders to isolate streets based on their width, number of lanes, average traffic flow, or other characteristics important to evacuation planning and traffic control.
Anything that has an address can be displayed in the EMIS as a point on a map...
For instance, the EMIS contains the locations of all hazardous materials facilities in the city of Oakland and can display them as points ( ) on an Oakland city street map...